Canonize - определение. Что такое Canonize
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Что (кто) такое Canonize - определение

Canonization of Saints; Canonized; Canonisation; Canonize; Canonise; Cannonisation; Canonised; Cannonization; Noncanonized; Becoming a saint; Canonization and Beatification; Beatification and Canonization; Saints, Canonization of; Canonization process; Canosisation; Honors of the altar; Made a saint; Canonizing; Canonization of saints
  • [[Pope Pius II]] canonizes [[Catherine of Siena]].
  • date=12 September 2017 }}"''. Δημοσια Κεντρικη Βιβλιοθηκη Σερρων. Τετάρτη, 13 Σεπτεμβρίου 2006.</ref>
  • atrocities in Bulgaria]] (1876). On 3 April 2011, Batak massacre victims were canonized as saints.

·vt To rate as inspired; to include in the canon.
II. Canonize ·vt To Glorify; to exalt to the highest honor.
III. Canonize ·vt To declare (a deceased person) a saint; to put in the catalogue of saints; as, Thomas a Becket was canonized.
(canonizes, canonizing, canonized)
Note: in BRIT, also use 'canonise'
If a dead person is canonized, it is officially announced by the Catholic Church that he or she is a saint.
Joan of Arc was finally canonized by Pope Benedict XV in 1920.
VERB: usu passive, be V-ed
or canonise
¦ verb
1. (in the Roman Catholic Church) officially declare (a dead person) to be a saint.
2. sanction by Church authority.
canonization noun
ME: from late L. canonizare 'admit as authoritative', from L. canon (see canon1).



Canonization is the declaration of a deceased person as an officially recognized saint, specifically, the official act of a Christian communion declaring a person worthy of public veneration and entering their name in the canon catalogue of saints, or authorized list of that communion's recognized saints.

Примеры произношения для Canonize
1. We canonize the players we like, while demonizing those
Smart Baseball _ Keith Law _ Talks at Google
2. I think also because there might have been a move to try to canonize Mezzofanti, and
Babel No More _ Michael Erard _ Talks at Google
Примеры употребления для Canonize
1. His plans didn‘t materialize before he died in 186'. In 1''', the locals pressed the church to canonize him.
2. Many Poles are hopeful that Benedict will make an announcement or encouraging comments about the drive to canonize John Paul, a hugely popular cause here.
3. Roussopoulos blasted what he claimed were «efforts to canonize» the suspect by sections of the media and reminded journalists that Maxim Zhilim was responsible for three murders.
4. Aiming to energize its more than 120 million Catholics, Benedict will canonize the country‘s first native saint, hold Masses that could attract millions and open a conference of Latin American bishops in the holy shrine of Aparecida.
5. The Pope‘s official business is to canonize Brazil‘s first saint and make the keynote address at a conference of bishops from Latin America and the Caribbean, home to nearly half the world‘s Roman Catholics.